Monday 9 June 2014

Hello there I'm with you right now? don't you realize? 

Hello everybody, this situation keep happend with us right? we eat together with our friend but our hand is buzy texting with others. What we want to say here, stop texting while your are having some time with your friends, family or others. It might hurt others feeling. We should know about it.

This situation keep happend. just go to an restaurant, and you will see it. who should be blame? Why this thing happend? The invention of smart phone made this isu rise? Your friends might say
"why hanging out with me while you are busy texting?

There will no fun anymore going out together. You will lose your reality friends and maybe your family will hurt. children nowadays having dinner with their phone, there are no conversation between the family anymore. This problem should be avoid and we need to help each other in order to get a better life.



1 minute... 2 minute..3 minute... emm 5 minute...

 Thanks to my phone!!

Have you ever experience this situation? even when you want to aswer your phone call, its hang! or when you really need to check the checklist on your phone, its hang!! we are aware of this situation? but why we are still rely on smartphone? why just can't you write your work on your note book? is it hard? 

YES its hard but it will be 10x harder when your smartphone is having problem or when you lost your smart phone.

YES we feel this world is gonna end when our phone is missing. Because of what? because of we are really rely on the smartphone. 


Put It Down Campaign

This video shows to us not to relt on your smartphone. The purpose of this video is to educate people to put the phone down and start to socialize with other. for example, in this situation, we can ask people around. sometimes, the device is not 100% right.

We made this video to educate people stop using smartphone and start socialize with others.

Look at this! Dangers of Using Smartphones

see how it is danger to your self people.

what we want to share to you is, don't use your phone while you charging your phone. This video is same as the situation if your using your phone while you charging it.

Smart phone explodes! Beware users!!

A 13-year old girl from Kennebunk, Maine, received 2nd degree burns 

after a loud pop in her pocket turned into a burning, smoke billowing

bomb inside her trousers, which was actually her iPhone 5c. Luckily, 

the girl had enough wits to stop, drop and roll to put out the fire. Her 

girlfriends asked the boys to turn around as she ditched the pants. 

The teacher then brought out a blanket to put out the fire. The burns 

are minor, but any of us could be in a situation a lot worse, with fewer 

chances of coming out unharmed had the phone exploded under her 

pillow while she was asleep, there would have been a possibility of 

some serious brain damage. the girl came back to school the same 

day even  though the doctors suggested she should rest. 

(Dan Vlasic,2014)

People, don't simply sit on your smart phone. This is because it could put some pressure to your phone and finally something bad will occur. 

For example, try to put your phone in your pocket and start walk to our destination. Then take out your smart phone, and you will feel your phone hot and yes you can feel your phone is sweating! Basically it is your sweat. Just imagine if you seat in your phone, what will happend? There are lots of cases reported about their smart phone explode while there are using it. 

So some advice from us, PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN, let it rest for a while. sometimes we need to shut down our phone, so it will rest for a moment.