Tuesday 27 May 2014


I wonder if in Malaysia there are some community who are care about this issue? As we can see in other country they already have their own effort to make people realize to put their device and start facing others. Nowadays face to face communication is not important. Why? oh yes! we have our own smart phone! we didn't call them smart phone if it can't connect us with others and provide us with lots of applications.  People are more prefer to communicate with others through social media. Yes, social media is one of the factor where people are not communicate properly in face to face. Before the existing of the smart phone, we only go to the social media through our personal computer, laptop or worst in cyber café. Yeah I still remember during I'm still in secondary school I always go to cyber café to online facebook. Today, we can online 24 hours unless you internet connection is not available. so what I'm going to portray here is smart phone limit our face to face communication.  


According to  Holmes E. 2013  The post office, grocery stores, gift shops, doctor’s offices, local MVD, banks, and many other businesses now typically display this sign because humans won’t put their phones down. It seems as though humans are incapable of going anywhere or doing anything without their phones attached to their heads or under frantically moving fingertips.


Who know with this little things might help to give awareness to people. I didn't reject 100% the idea of the invention of smart phone, but the usage of it should be balance between the reality and fantasy. why I'm saying communicate through smart phone is fantasy, it is because of we don't even know with who we are dealing with. Everyday we have a friend request from strangers. and they become our new friend. So what happened with our reality friends? Our friends who growth up together with us? So my advise


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